Our Mission is to inquire into the administration of Juvenile Court Law in the County of Tulare and develop new strategies which continually improve juvenile justice and delinquency prevention with the focus on long term impact on the community.
The involvement of responsible citizens in California's juvenile justice system dates back to 1903. At that time, a newly adopted statute required that in each county the Judge of the Juvenile Court appoint seven citizens of good moral character to be known as the Probation Committee.
These Probation Committees were given the power to inspect private institutions accepting wards of the court, investigate and report on juvenile cases before the court, provide friendly supervision and visitation, and nominate the county probation officer as well as approve of the probation officer's deputies.
The work of these committees continued until the Arnold-Kennick revision of the Juvenile Court Law in 1961. With this revision, the Probation Committee became the Juvenile Justice Commission. Welfare and Institutions Code Section 229 states, "It shall be the duty of a juvenile justice commission to inquire into the administration of the juvenile court law in the county or region in which the commission serves."
The Tulare County Juvenile Justice Commission (JJC) has access to, and must inspect, all publicly administered institutions in the county authorized by the Juvenile Court Law. It also monitors all activities involved in the care and supervision of both dependent children and wards of the court from the time they are taken into temporary custody until they leave the child welfare or juvenile justice system.
Meetings are every other month on Tuesdays (1/30/24, 3/19/24, 5/28/24, 7/23/24 (canceled - next meeting TBD), 9/24/24, and 11/26/24), from 4:30PM to 6PM at Connections, 3249 W. Noble Avenue, Visalia, CA 93277. All meetings are open to the public. You may join in person or virtual, at the following link or by phone.
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Meeting ID: 253 315 088 279
Passcode: nhUWxN
Join by Phone:
+1 669-247-1027,,220704293# United States, San Jose
Phone Conference ID: 220 704 293#
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