Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder


Real property or personal property exemptions come in many forms. Still, one thing they have in common is they either reduce or eliminate your obligation to pay real and/or personal property taxes.

Homeowner's Exemption

If you own and occupy your home as your principal residence, you may be eligible for an exemption of up to $7,000 off the property's assessed value, resulting in a property tax savings of approximately $70 annually.

Disabled Veterans' Property Exemption

Any property owned by and is the principal residence of a veteran is eligible for exemption from part or total value of the property.

Church Exemption

Churches exclusively conducting religious worship are eligible for an exemption on buildings and land on which the improvements are constructed, including parking lots and equipment, whether owned or leased, as of the lien date (Jan. 1).

Non-Profit Exemption

The welfare exemption is only available for real and personal property owned and used exclusively by non-profit organizations formed for religious, scientific, hospital or charitable purposes.