The Human Resources and Development Department is the custodian of records for the following records only:
Job Applications; Employee Information Forms; Employment Status; Performance Appraisals; Job Performance Records, Memorandums of Counseling, Formal Reprimand, Discipline, Commendations.
If you serve a subpoena on the Human Resources and Development Department which seeks records in addition to those specified above, the Human Resources and Development Department will not be able to provide those records and will only sign a "custodian of records declaration" which is specifically limited to the records specified above.
If you serve a subpoena on the Human Resources and Development Department which is directed to another department, it will not be accepted, and if left, it will not be forwarded to the named department.
If the subpoena which you serve on the Human Resources and Development Department is directed to multiple departments, including the Human Resources and Development Department, the Human Resources and Development Department will consider the subpoena as only directed to the Human Resources and Development Department, and will respond as appropriate. The Human Resources and Development Department will not, however, forward that subpoena to any other party named in the subpoena, and will not forward the subpoena to any other County department which may be the custodian of the records sought.
For records other than those maintained by the Human Resources and Development Department, you must serve separate subpoenas, and tender appropriate fees, on the department or departments which are custodians of those other records. For example, the Auditor's Office maintains payroll records, the individual employing departments maintain time cards. If you do serve other departments with subpoenas, those subpoenas will be forwarded to County Counsel to determine if the subpoenas are legally sufficient, whether there has been compliance with C.C.P. Section 1985.3, 1985.6, and to review any issues pertaining to confidentiality or other privileges.
Address for the Custodian of Personnel Records:
Tulare County Human Resources and Development
Human Resources Director
2500 W. Burrel Avenue
Visalia, CA 93291
Fee for services: $15.00 per request and must be received at time of request.
Check Made Payable To: Tulare County Human Resources and Development