Juvenile Detention Facility


The Juvenile Detention Facility provides services to youth both pre and post-disposition.   The facility follows the mandates of Title 15 California’s Minimum Standards for Juvenile Facilities, governed by the Board of State and Community Corrections.  Youth who are alleged to come within the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court or have been deemed wards of the court and are in need of in-custody programs.  

Intake Unit – Youth who are accepted for booking are evaluated by the probation officers assigned to the Intake Unit.  Interviews are conducted with the youth and the parents.  Officers use the Juvenile Assessment and Intervention System (JAIS) to determine risk factors for the youth and the Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument (MAYSI) to identify potential mental health needs of youth.  

Home Supervision/Electronic Monitor Unit – Youth may be released pending court to Home Supervision or Electronic Monitor Programs.  Probation is responsible for supervising and providing support to the youth, to prevent further acts of delinquency. 

Services – All in-custody youth are provided with services to ensure their wellbeing that includes:  

•    Educational programming, including specialized education for youth who have Behavioral  Health Intervention Plans and/or Individual Education Plans                             
•    Comprehensive medical care, mental health counseling and psychiatric services 
•    Religious services
•    Substance Use Disorder Counseling
•    Physical Training

Youth who have been adjudicated and committed to a rehabilitative custody program, receive additional services that include:

•    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 2.0
•    Substance Use Disorder Group Counseling
•    Substance Use Disorder Individual Counseling 
•    Family Counseling
•    Individual Counseling

Vocational Education – The Probation Department has a state of the art Vocational Education Program designed to provide commitment youth with training and skills which will help them obtain employment in a competitive job market.  Probation has partnered with the Tulare County Office of Education to implement Paxton Patterson Building Skills for the construction industry.  

Readiness for Employment through Sustainable Education and Training (RESET) – Commitment youth are also provided with the skills, knowledge, and resources to obtain and retain employment.  

Aftercare and Re-Entry Supervision – The Probation Department provides supervision to youth who are released at the local or state level, to assist youth with a successful transition to home and community following a period of secure confinement.  Officers provide youth with supervision and support services, including counseling, drug testing, compliance monitoring, and family intervention.