Tulare County · California

Property Tax Accounting

Our mission is to efficiently and effectively collect, manage, and safeguard public funds so as to provide community services to the constituents of Tulare County

Cass Cook


  Treasurer-Tax Collector

Property Tax:


221 South Mooney Blvd.

Room 101 E

Visalia, CA 93291

Tax Accounting: 559-636-5280
Email: Taxdiv1@tularecounty.ca.gov

Fraud Hotline

Property Tax Accounting

Property Tax Accounting is responsible for the fiscal control of the County's secured and unsecured property tax system. It is extremely important that all relative procedures and systems work correctly. Below is a list of the responsibilities involved in controlling the Property Tax System:

  1. Coordinate tax matters between the State, Information Services, the Assessor, Tax Collector, cities, school districts, and other special districts
  2. Direct the preparation and maintenance of the tax roll and tax bills Supervise the tabulation of assessed valuations
  3. Supervise the compilation of current and delinquent tax rates and application of penalties
  4. Maintain taxes receivable control accounts and apportion taxes to all agencies
  5. Distribute a variety of State tax subventions to participating governmental entities
  6. Control and distribute incremental revenue funding to the Successor to Redevelopment Agencies, dissolved 2011
  7. Control alternate methods of Tax Distribution such as the Teeter Plan, now in the wind down process since 2009
  8. Prepare and maintain the Property Tax Apportionment Factors for distribution of secured and unsecured taxes
  9. Prepare various State claim reimbursement reports

Program Workload Information:

  • 15,579 Roll Corrections processed
  • 175,731 Tax Roll parcels
  • 360 Taxing Agencies, funds, bonds
  • 8,038 tax refunds processed
  • 72,614 fixed charge assessments
  • 1,220 Tax Rate Areas
  • $428,360,991 Taxes charged