The Tulare County Solid Waste Department is committed to managing solid waste in accordance with the Tulare County Integrated Waste Management Plan and is always seeking ways to provide its residents with the latest in recycling and waste disposal. Programs include household hazardous waste disposal, electronics recycling, tire recovery, yard waste recycling, metal recycling and appliance recovery programs.
The County landfills approximately 500,000 tons of waste per year, which is equivalent to about 5 lbs. per person per day or one ton per county resident per year.
The County operates two landfills. They are the Visalia Landfill, northwest of Visalia; and the Woodville Landfill, southeast of Tulare
The County also operates six transfer stations. These transfer stations are located in rural areas for the convenience of the people who live near them and these facilities do not accept large volumes of waste. They are the Badger Transfer Station, east of Badger; the Balance Rock Transfer Station, north of Balance Rock; the Camp Nelson Transfer Station, northeast of Camp Nelson; the Kennedy Meadows Transfer Station, near the Inyo County line in the southeast corner of the County; the Pine Flat Transfer Station, north of Pine Flat and the Springville Transfer Station, south of Springville. The County transfers the waste from these facilities to its landfills.
Bryce Howard
Solid Waste Director
Phone: (559) 624-7195