Supervisor Monthly Message - District 4 - MAY, 2021

We have much to celebrate this month as we continue pressing through this pandemic. And this month we recognize the tremendous labor of our County staff for commitment to and support of services and resources to our growing public.

It is because of your work that we continue to uphold our vision of quality services to improve and sustain the region’s safety, economic well-being, and quality of life. And that is why on this International Worker’s Day (yearly on May 1), I pay tribute to you for your time, talent, and tenacity. You are County family, and I appreciate you!  

For example, our County HHSA department has worked tirelessly through this pandemic so that anyone in the County can be inoculated and safeguarded from this virus. Our transit agency staff continues to transport people across the County, even during this pandemic. Our Resource Management Agency staff continues to pave our roads and fix our infrastructure so that there is less dearth in our region, neighborhoods, and homes. Our General Services Agency Park and Recreation department continues to work on opening public access to our parks and camp sites so that normalcy is in sight. Our CAO/BOS staff continues to keep our County above waters during this tumultuous time of uncertainty. And our Grounds and Maintenance team continues to beautify our County landscape, even when pandemic despair has tried to win the day.

Every department is important, and every department is the puzzle piece that makes our County stick. You are part of society on which County advancement rests. 

In this month of May (and every month of the year), the County Board of Supervisors’ honor you, thank you, appreciate you!

In Service,


Eddie Valero

County Supervisor

District Four

County of Tulare



Mobile: 559-909-1148