Tulare County will RISE!
Good morning Tulare County!
Last month I had the pleasure of attending and representing Tulare County at the National Association of Counties Annual Conference. At the conference, the new NACO mission “RISE” was announced. RISE stands for Resiliency, Inclusion, Solvency, and Empowerment. The mission of RISE is to enhance county resiliency for the future, promoting community inclusion, helping residents establish solvency through economic mobility opportunities, and empowering county leaders with educational resources and tools for informed decision-making.
Here in Tulare County, we also RISE!
Through the careful stewardship of American Rescue Plan Act Funds, disadvantaged communities throughout the region will receive much need improvements to their libraries, parks, emergency services, and aging water systems.
RISE is also a good way to describe the County’s effort to expand housing developments for the most vulnerable among us. New projects such as the Goshen Village tiny homes, and the continued TC hope program provide necessary support to those who struggle to find a home.
Thank you to all of the county employees who continue to help our communities RISE. Without your vigilance and determination, the challenges we currently face would be almost insurmountable. However, because you continue to push forward and promote the best of what Tulare County has to offer, we will all RISE together!
Eddie Valero
District 4 Supervisor