The Board of Supervisors makes it a policy to invite anyone in the County of Tulare to voluntarily offer an invocation before the beginning of its meetings, to solemnize the occasion. If you wish to offer an invocation, please Register.

Individuals/organizations are scheduled on a first-come, first-serve, or another random basis. All requests must include: (1) the name of the individual leading the invocation, (2) the name of the organization if any that the individual represents, and (3) the contact information of the individual and/or organization that will lead the invocation. Please register for your preferred date(s) or state your preferred dates in your request to the Clerk of the Board. By registering to provide an invocation, you agree to adhere to the requirements set forth in the County of Tulare's Policy for Invocations at Meetings of the Board of Supervisors.

We appreciate your cooperation in providing an invocation that will have equal value to all listeners. Invocations must be designed for the benefit of the Board of Supervisors and should not be directed or be an instruction to those in attendance or the general public. Invocations should be no more than approximately one and a half minutes in length. The idea of invocation is personal and may involve the expression of your own convictions, beliefs and wishes; however, remember that the invocation commences a public meeting and therefore please speak to topics pertinent to the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board.


  1. To register for the first time, Select Available below or Register
  2. Check your email for a message “Invocation access Request” and follow instructions.
  3. Select an available meeting date(s) that you would like to provide an invocation for. (Can not be consecutive meetings and no more than three (3) meetings in any calendar year)
  4. Check your email for a “Confirmation” from the Clerk of the Board office.


  1. Emailing
  2. Request must include:
    1. Name of the individual leading the invocation,
    2. Name of the organization, if any that the individual represents.
    3. Contact information of the individual and/or organization that will lead the invocation.
    4. Provide preferred date(s)
  3. Check your email for a “Confirmation” from the Clerk of the Board office.
Day (YYYY-MM-DD) Apt. Time Location Availability/Volunteer Wait list 1 Wait list 2
Day (YYYY-MM-DD) Apt. Time Location Availability Volunteer Wait list 1 Wait list 2
2025-03-11 6:00 PM Strathmore Veterans Memorial 23124 Avenue 196 Available! - -
2025-03-18 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-03-25 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-04-01 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-04-08 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-04-15 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-04-29 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-05-06 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-05-13 6:00 PM Earlimart School District Office 785 E. Center Ave Available! - -
2025-05-20 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-06-03 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-06-10 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-06-24 6:00 PM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-07-01 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-07-08 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-07-15 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-07-22 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-08-05 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-08-12 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-08-19 6:00 PM Monson-Sultana School District 10643 Avenue 416 Available! - -
2025-08-26 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-09-09 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-09-16 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-09-23 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-09-30 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-10-07 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-10-14 6:00 PM Porterville Council Chambers 291 N. Main Street Available! - -
2025-10-21 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-10-28 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-11-04 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-11-18 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-12-09 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -
2025-12-16 9:00 AM Board Chambers - 2800 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia Available! - -