Tulare County · California

Treasurer-Tax Collector

Our mission is to efficiently and effectively collect, manage, and safeguard public funds so as to provide community services to the constituents of Tulare County


Cass Cook


  Treasurer-Tax Collector

Treasurer - Tax Collector:


221 South Mooney Blvd.

Room 104 E

Visalia, CA 93291

Property Tax Bill by Phone, Call (877) 736-9055

Email: Taxhelp@tularecounty.ca.gov

Fraud Hotline

My lender no longer pays the taxes. How do I know what my tax payment is?


Although you do not need a payment stub to pay your taxes, you may still get copies of your bills by:

  •  Visiting our website page "My Taxes"

  •  Visiting our office located at
     County Civic Center
     221 South Mooney Boulevard, Room 104 E
     Visalia, California 93291-4593

  • Or calling our office at (559) 636-5250