Tulare County · California

Treasurer-Tax Collector

Our mission is to efficiently and effectively collect, manage, and safeguard public funds so as to provide community services to the constituents of Tulare County


Cass Cook


  Treasurer-Tax Collector

Treasurer - Tax Collector:


221 South Mooney Blvd.

Room 104 E

Visalia, CA 93291

Property Tax Bill by Phone, Call (877) 736-9055

Email: Taxhelp@tularecounty.ca.gov

Fraud Hotline

What are unsecured property taxes?


Taxes on property that are not a lien against real property sufficient, in the assessor's opinion, to secure payment of taxes. Taxes on unsecured property include the assessments on personal property such as office furniture, machinery, equipment, boats, airplanes, etc., and assessments based on real property that are not a lien against real property.

If the unsecured tax is not paid, a personal lien is filed against the owner, not the property.