Tulare County · California

Treasurer-Tax Collector

Our mission is to efficiently and effectively collect, manage, and safeguard public funds so as to provide community services to the constituents of Tulare County


Picture of The Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector of Tulare County, Cass Cook

Cass Cook

•  Auditor-Controller

•  Treasurer-Tax Collector

Treasurer - Tax Collector:


221 South Mooney Blvd.

Room 104 E

Visalia, CA 93291

Property Tax Bill by Phone, Call (877) 736-9055

Email: Taxhelp@tularecounty.ca.gov

Fraud Hotline

What is a secured property escape tax bill?


An escape assessment is the increased amount in real property valuation over the regular assessed valuation from a delayed reappraisal of the property, an erroneously applied homeowner's exemption valuation reduction, etc.  A secured property escape tax bill retroactively taxes the increased amount of valuation over the regular tax bill.