SB 1484 Income taxes: credits: qualified first-year wages: homeless youth: foster or former foster youth - Support

  • Apr 26, 2022

On behalf of the Tulare County Board of Supervisors, I write in support of your legislation, SB 1484. This important bill would allow private sector employers to obtain a tax credit for hiring an individual who is a homeless youth, foster youth, or former foster youth. The measure would thereby create a pathway to employment for youth who may not have the same opportunities as some of their peers.

Every year, California youth make up a significant portion of the State's total homeless population and are often severely impacted by the increasing costs for basic housing and food. It is widely understood that one way to end the homelessness cycle is by having a stable job. Employment leads to greater self-sufficiency and discipline, reduces the time youth spend on the streets, teaches key job and social skills, and provides the income stability necessary to find and maintain housing. Together, these factors reduce the likelihood that a youth will become stuck in a cycle of poverty, homelessness, and dependency on public benefits and services.

Youth who age out of foster care continue to experience poor employment outcomes in comparison to youth nationally. Each year roughly 4,000 foster youth ages 18-21 leave California's foster care system striving to sustain livelihood and juggle the many challenges of adulthood. Unfortunately, many transitional aged foster youth find themselves in positions of desperation when it comes to sustainability while transitioning into adulthood. Currently, in Tulare County there are 1,028 children in out of home care. Out of 1,028 children in out of home care, 310 children fall under the transitional age of 15 years and above (up to 21 years old) service area. This population makes up for 30% of our youth who fall under the transitional adult age or will be meeting the benchmark soon. Thus, seeing the need for support when it comes to transitional age population and supporting a plan that will enhance sustainability for foster youth.

A staggering statistic provided by the California Community Colleges Student Mental Health Program provides at the age of 19, 60% of former foster youth are unemployed. In addition, former foster youth account for 40% of transition-aged youth in homeless shelters. Both abovementioned statistics highlights the continuous need for supportive services for these special populations. SB 1484 provides a direct connection to ameliorating such circumstances for our country's youth who fall under this special population.

SB 1484 is a common sense solution to help young people gain the skills they need to be successful in life. It is also a win for businesses who are suffering under the weight of rising prices, labor shortages, and burdensome taxes and regulations.

For the reasons stated above, the Tulare County Board of Supervisors support SB 1484.



Eddie Valero, Chairman
Tulare County Board of Supervisors


cc: Senator Grove