The Hazard Abatement and Inspection program exist to address enforcement and safety issues and is not provided as a service. Property owners need to follow and meet the standards by their own effort or by hiring a private contractor. These standards apply to all parcels in the LRA (valley) and vacant parcels in established subdivisions in the SRA (foothills). Complaint Hotline is (559)802-9807. If you received a notice and have abated the hazard, please complete the (Hazard Abatement Compliance Form). If you received a notice and feel it is not a hazard and wish to request an Administration Review, please print, complete and send in the (Request for Administration Review form).
The hazard abatement standards are not a one-time observance. A property owner will likely need to have their property addressed more than once during the year in order to meet the standards. Although required throughout the year, it is extremely critical that properties be maintained during the high fire months, usually from April through October. For additional details regarding on Tulare Counties Ordinance on Fire Hazardous Weeds and Rubbish, please click the following link: Tulare County Ordinance.
Safety: All disking or mowing shall attempt to be completed before 10:00a.m. to limit the threat of fire danger due to the abatement operation. Public Resources Code PRC 4427 (b) (click here to see PRC 4427) Shall be followed for safety purposes.
Abatement Standard with NO structures (open lots):
A. Parcels five acres or less in size:
Maintain ALL weeds and grass at a height of 3 inches.
B. Parcels greater than five acres in size:
Shall have 30-foot fuelbreaks and 15-foot crossbreaks. Crossbreaks should divide the parcel into approximately 5-acre sections. Fence lines may require discing and mowing/weed eating to ensure completion of fuelbreak. All cut material should be mulched and scattered or raked and removed from property.
C. Fuelbreaks along roadways & driveways:
Road right-of-ways & driveways shall be cleared to a minimum of 10 feet horizontally from the edge of the black top / cement.
Abatement Standards with Structures and Combustible Storage:
D. 30-foot fuelbreaks shall be provided around all structures and combustible storage.
E. Mowed fuelbreaks and crossbreaks:
F. Mowed fuelbreaks shall be 40 feet wide and mowed crossbreaks 20 feet wide at a height of 3 inches due to the ability of remaining surface material to sustain fire growth. All cut material should be mulched and scattered, or raked and removed from property.
G. Rubbish: All rubbish shall be removed from property.
NOTE: Cal Fire regulates vegetation abatement on County Parcels containing structures within the State Responsibility area (SRA), Please call Cal Fire (559)732-5954 in regards to these parcels.
Discing Quality All discing work, including firebreaks, and crossbreaks shall be completed so that all weeds, grass, and other vegetation, which could burn shall be completely turned under so there is not exposed fuel to maintain or allow the spread of fire.
All disking operations shall comply with San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Rule 8051 (click here to see rule 8051) to limit dust emissions from open areas. The rule applies to any open areas 3.0 acres or more within rural areas. Weed abatement activity utilizing mowing, which leaves three inches of stubble, is exempt from this rule.