It is the policy of the Tulare County Sheriff’s Department to cooperate with the media
in establishing and maintaining procedure to disseminate information which the public
has a legitimate interest. Dissemination of information to the media will be provided on
a fair and equal basis and in a factual, timely and accurate manner. This department
seeks a cooperative understanding which allows the news media to gather information
of the public interest in a manner that does not hamper law enforcement operations.
In some cases, certain information must be withheld in order to protect constitutional
rights, to avoid interfering with a department investigation, or because it is legally
privileged. No release will be made that would compromise the integrity of any ongoing
criminal investigation. In such cases media notification will be made as soon as practical.
At no time will members of this department intentionally mislead or misinform members
of the media.
Media Supervisor

Ashley Schwarm
833 S. Akers St.
Visalia, CA 93277
Public Information Officer

Teresa Douglass
833 S. Akers St.
Visalia, CA 93277
Community Liaison
Alyssa Garver
833 S. Akers St.
Visalia, CA 93277