Location: Kaweah Lake
Incident Date: 6-24-22
City: Three Rivers
Posted by: Media Relations
On 6/24/2022, the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office, with help from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, moved the “No Wake Zone” buoys at Kaweah Lake, to help prevent the floating debris from spreading through the lake.
The updated “No Wake Zone” now goes from the Lemon Hill Boat Ramp north to the north shoreline. The Kaweah Marina is open. However, the area is restricted and managed by the Kaweah Marina. The Tulare County Sheriff’s Office wants everyone to have a safe summer and enjoy the waterways.
A 'no wake zone' is a section of waterway with a strict speed limit. When navigating through a “no wake zone”, state and federal regulations generally require that the captain observe the slowest-possible vessel-speed to maintain steerage, but no greater than 5 MPH.