Location: Lindsay

Incident Date: 5-18-22

Posted by: Media Relations

The Tulare County Sheriff’s Office has been made aware of a scam taking place in Tulare County targeting Mexican American and Mexican National residents.


During their investigation, Detectives learned that between September 2021 and May 2022, 59-year-old Micallela Aguilera Coleman of Lindsay promised to help numerous Tulare County residents obtain their U.S. citizenship or Visa in exchange for money. After getting the cash, Coleman would cut off all ties with victims. One victim gave Coleman more than $30,000 after she promised to help them get their citizenship and buy land out of state.  


TCSO Detectives took over the investigations and, in January 2020, learned that Coleman was issued a Cease-and-Desist Notice from The State Bar of California for Unauthorized Practice of Law. Investigators also learned there were similar cases of fraud in Porterville and Lindsay involving Coleman.  


The Tulare County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s help in finding Coleman for questioning. If you have been a victim of fraud involving Coleman, you’re also asked to contact the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at 559-733-6218. Coleman has prior convictions of Theft by False Pretense, Forgery, Check Fraud, Welfare Fraud, Grand Theft and Burglary.


Often, undocumented immigrants are hesitant to speak with law enforcement officers because of their immigration status. Sheriff Boudreaux wants the public to know, regardless of immigration status, if you are a victim of a crime or are in need of help from law enforcement, do not hesitate to contact your local law enforcement agency.


Anyone with information about this case is encouraged to contact Detective Ana Perez or Sergeant Demecio Holguin with the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Bureau at (559) 733-6218. Or they can remain anonymous by calling or texting (559) 725-4194 or through email at tcso@tipnow.com.