Location: Potwisha Campground
Incident Date: 8/4/23
Incident Time: 1400
Posted by: Media Relations
TCSO Swift Water Rescue Team on Scene of Drowning at Sequoia National Park
The Tulare County Sheriff’s Office Swiftwater Rescue is on the scene of a drowning in the Kaweah River near the Potwisha Campground of the Sequoia National Park. Around 2 p.m. on 8/4/23, the Sheriff’s Swiftwater Dive Rescue Team and Tulare County Fire were requested to assist the National Park Service after receiving reports of a man drowning. Details are unfolding.
Sheriff Boudreaux would like to remind anyone near waterways in Tulare County to be extremely careful, as the record snowpack melts in the Sierra have created very fast and very cold currents.
Here are some tips to keep in mind when recreating around our rivers and lakes:
• Stay out of the water if you cannot swim.
• Always wear a life jacket, bring the right equipment, and never swim alone.
• Tell someone where you’re going and when you’ll be back.
• Avoid alcohol around water - it impairs judgment and reaction time.
• The water is very cold. Cold water can take your breath away as soon as you jump in. Cold water and hypothermia will completely rob your strength and ability to swim.
• Don’t overestimate your abilities or underestimate the power of the water.
• Stay out of fast moving water and whitewater no matter how deep it is. You will not float in whitewater – even when wearing a life jacket.
• Keep a close eye on inexperienced swimmers and children. Never leave your children unattended near any body of water.