Incident Date: 4/10/24
City: Traver
Posted by: Media Relations
UPDATE: Abandoned Horses Receiving Care
The Tulare County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the public for the outpouring of support and concern from the public in regard to the two horses found abandoned in a trailer in Traver. The horses, a Bay Gelding and a Paint Mare, were removed from the property and checked out by a veterinarian. They are in good condition and now being taken care of by a local animal rescue.
The Tulare County Sheriff’s Office and Tulare County Animal Control are actively investigating the case. Anyone with information regarding the owners of the horses is encouraged to contact Ag Crimes Detective Steve Boertje or Sergeant Randy Gunderman with the Agricultural Crimes Unit at (559) 733-6218, (559) 772-7107, on the Tip Now Line: (559) 725-4194, or by e-mail