Planning and Land Use Applications and Forms

Below are the Planning and Land Use Applications forms last updated January 2025. 
Please check to see if the application that you are submitting needs to be accompanied by the signed Indemnification and Cost Recovery Agreement. The application will indicate if this agreement needs to be submitted. 
Please note that the application fees are subject to change at any time. Please check back on this website to stay current with the latest applications and fees. 
  • Levine Act Compliance Form - This form must be attached to all land use permit applications. It requests details of any campaign contributions you, your agent/lobbyist, or subcontractors have made to Board of Supervisors Member(s) or County Agency Officer(s) within the last 12 months. Please specify the recipient, contributor's name, exact date (day, month, and year), and contribution amount. California law requires us to aggregate your contributions with those of your agent/lobbyist to determine the total contribution amount.


Ag Preserve / Contract Application (New/Enlarge/Reinstate)

This application is to be used to apply for a property(s) to be placed into the Williamson Act/Ag Preserve or to add adjacent properties to an existing Williamson Act/Ag Preserve. To find out if your property(s) meets the minimum criteria and requirements to be placed into the Williamson Act/Ag Preserve, please see Page 3 of this application and please contact one of the members of the Planning Staff. The application fees are on Page 2 of this application. 

Please note the deadline to submit this application is August 31 of each calendar year. 

Ag Preserve Diminish / Disestablish Application
Ag Preserve Full Non-Renewal Application
Ag Preserve Partial Non-Renewal Application
Cancellation of Agricultural Preserve Contract Application
Certificate of Compliance Application
Cottage Food Operation Application
Extension of Time Application
Indemnity and Cost Recovery Agreement
Lot Line Adjustment Application
Major Discretionary Projects Application

Major Discretionary Projects Application includes Final Site Plan, Tentative Parcel Map, Tentative Subdivision Map, Special Use Permit (Planning Commission), General Plan Amendment, Change of Zone, Zone Variance, Building Setback Variance, etc. The Application Fees are on Page 3 of this application.

Please note that the Indemnification and Cost Recovery Agreement (Separate Attachment) needs to be signed and accompanied with this application.

Minor Deviations Application
Minor Modification Application
Project Review Committee Application
Revisions of Parcel Maps and Tentative Maps Application
Road Naming and Renaming Application
Special Use Permit - Administrative Approval Application

This Special Use Permit Application is for Administrative Approvals only. This application is to be used to apply for second residences in agricultural zones (If applicable), second residences in the PD-F-M Zones, alcoholic beverage sales for beer and wine, increased density of existing residences in ag zones resulting from a land division, exploratory testing for Oil and Gas, second units in the "R" Zones that do meet the criteria of the second unit ordinance in Section 15 of the Zoning Ordinance. 

Surface Mining Permits - Reclamation Plan Application
Temporary Use Permit Application

This application is to allow up to four (4) temporary events per calendar year. The application fees are on Page 2. For more information regarding temporary events, please see Section 16.IV of the Zoning Ordinance. 

Voluntary Merger Application
Waiver of Final Map and Exceptions Application