Posted by: Media Relations

On June 9-11, 2015 the Tulare Co. Sheriff's PAL Program sent more than 80 less privileged children to Pismo Beach.  They all camped out at the North Beach State Park for two nights and were cared for by the Sheriff's Community Based Officers, Sheriff's Explorers and other sworn personnel from the agency.

The kids all ranged in age from 8-12 years old and spent time learning, swimming,  playing and making new friends at the ocean and beach.  They also had other activities offered throughout the three days such as Dodge Ball, Volley Ball, creating Sand Castles, Kite Flying, Kick Ball, and other safe games that kids love to play.  

The children were all very deserving of this and respectful to each other and the staff throughout the event.  Many of them had never seen the beach before and were extremely excited to be part of this. Even with more than 80 children at one event,  they all played well together, learned patience and built friendships with the other kids and law enforcement personnel.

I'd like to thank Sheriff Boudreaux, Undersheriff Skiles, Assistant Sheriff Logue and the Sheriff's  Executive Command Staff for being so supportive of this program, too include the personnel behind the scenes who worked so hard in the planning, operation and supervision of the trip; Sergeants Torres, Baptista, King & Polk, CBO's Campos, Ibarra, Lucio, May, Miller, Franks, Rascon, Robinson, Morley, Thigpin, Johnson, Semic & Det. Nicholson.  There were 24 Explorers who also worked very hard each day for this event and we couldn't have been as effective without their help. 

I'd also like to give a humbled thank you to the numerous concerned citizens and businesses who donated funds to the PAL program. Your contributions clearly made this a reality for the less privileged children in the rural communities of our County.

We are looking forward to do this again next year and we're aiming at expanding the amount of kids in attendance. 

Thank you all for your generosity and valued team work. 

Sincerely, Lt. Mark GistDirector of the Sheriff's PAL Program