Location: Armed robbery and Carjacking

Incident Date: 6/23/17

Incident Time: 1010 hours

Case Number: 17-07562

Victim: Ahmed Shuwait

City: Earlimart

Posted by: Media Relations

On Friday June 23, 2017 at about 10:10 a.m., Ahmed Shuwait, 52 years old, arrived at his business parking lot in the 200 block of South Front Street, in Earlimart.  The business is known as the Amigos Market & Liquor.  As Mr. Shuwait was preparing to exit his late model Toyota Camry, gray in color, two unknown masked males in dark clothing with handguns confronted him.  

The two assailants then robbed Mr. Shuwait at gunpoint and removed an undisclosed amount of U.S. currency from his person, along with the keys to his vehicle.  There were no physical injuries, although Mr. Shuwait was pushed to the ground by bodily force.  

The suspects then got into Mr. Shuwait’s vehicle and fled the scene southbound on Front Street without further incident.  Mr. Shuwait immediately called 911, at which time deputies and detectives from the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office began an investigation.  The California Highway Patrol and personnel from the Tulare Regional Auto Theft Taskforce (TRATT) also assisted in the investigation in an effort to locate the stolen vehicle and suspects.

During the investigation, Mr. Shuwait’s vehicle was located in abandoned in an alleyway north of Armstrong Avenue between Market and Front streets in Earlimart.   

The suspects were described as 5-feet, 7-inches to 5-feet, 9-inches tall with medium or heavier builds. Unfortunately, their faces were concealed when they confronted the victim at the Amigos Market & Liquor store on the 200 block of South Front Street, Earlimart.

The Sheriff’s Office is still in the area investigating the crime and is encouraging anyone with information to call the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at (559) 733-6218 or send anonymous information by sending a text or email to TCSO@tipnow.com or call (559) 725-4194.