Location: 14400 Block of Ave 328

Incident Date: 2/14/18

Incident Time: 0000-0915 Hrs

Case Number: 18-2072

Victim: Jeff Frank

City: Visalia

Posted by: Dispatch



On 2-14-18 deputies responded to the 14400 block of Ave 328, Visalia in regards to a burglary. Upon arrival deputies contacted the victim and witnesses. The victim advised sometime between midnight and 0915hrs this date suspects broke into his shop and took several items. The victim further advised included in those items were a pick-up truck and welding equipment. The victim estimated the loss to be $22,840.00.  The stolen truck was later located and recovered in the area of Road 172 and Ave 376 in a citrus orchard. The vehicle sustained front end damage as a result of hitting a tree.


Anyone with information is encouraged to call Detective Webb with the Tulare County Sheriff’s Department at (559) 802-9523 or send anonymous information by sending a text or email to TCSO@tipnow.com or call (559) 725-4194.