Location: 24700 Block of Ave 104, Terra Bella

Incident Date: 6-2-16

Incident Time: 0213 hours

Case Number: 16-07011

Victim: Vargas, Federico

City: Terra Bella

Posted by: Dispatch

On 06/01/2016 at approximately 0213 hours, Deputies from the Sheriff’s Porterville Substation were dispatched to the 24700 block of Ave 104 in Terra Bella in regards to a burglary.  It was learned unknown suspect(s) made forced entry through a front window of the residence.  

Suspect(s) had taken approximately $4,700 worth of items.

 Anyone with information about this crime is encouraged to call the Tulare County Sheriff's Office at (559) 782-9650 or annonymously by calling or texting (559) 725-4194 or through email at tcso@tipnow.com.