Location: 39700 block of Road 64, Dinuba

Incident Date: 8/23/16-8/24/16

Incident Time: 1900-0630

Case Number: 16-10676

Victim: Grandview School

City: Dinuba

Posted by: Media Relations

Suspects: Unknown

On August 24, 2016 at approximately 0937 hours, Deputies from the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to the Grandview Elementary School in the 39700 block of Road 64 in Dinuba in regards to a burglary.  The complainant reported unknown suspect(s) gained access into the locked perimeter gate of the school and stole a golf cart from a storage sea train between 8/23/16-8/24/16  1900-0630 hours.  

The golf cart was valued at $4,000. The unknown suspect(s) also caused approximately $3,000 worth of damage to the sea train and fence.  

The case is currently under investigation. Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at (559) 733-6218 or send anonymous information by sending a text or email to TCSO@tipnow.com or call (559) 725-4194. Reference TCSO case 16-10676.