Location: 1300 block of South Crestview Street, Porterville

Incident Date: 6/19/17-6/27/17

Case Number: 17-07770

Victim: Robert Owens

City: Porterville

Posted by: Media Relations

On 6-27-2017, Robert Owens reported to the Tulare County Sheriff's Office that his residence was burglarized on the 1300 block of South Crestview Street, Porterville. A Honda motorcycle, along with several miscellaneous items, were taken. Loss was estimated to be approximately $10,790. This occurred between 6-19-2017 to 6-27-2017.   

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at (559) 733-6218 or send anonymous information by sending a text or email to TCSO@tipnow.com or call (559) 725-4194.