Location: 21000 block Avenue 245, Lindsay

Incident Date: 02-04-2018

Incident Time: 1142 hours

Case Number: 18-01605

Victim: State of California

City: Lindsay

Posted by: Dispatch

S: Victor Espinoza, 46 years of age

S: Ofelia Espinoza, 45 years of age

S: Victor Espinoza, Jr., 22 years of age


Deputies were dispatched to the 21000 block of Avenue 245, Lindsay regarding an anonymous caller wanting to report an illicit rooster fighting event. 

Upon arrival, Deputies contacted a large group of people who immediately fled the area and refused to follow orders to stop. Deputies detained 17 subjects.


During the investigation, Deputies located the fighting ring, several sets of gaffs, 25 live roosters, 6 dead roosters, numerous fight cards and gambling receipts, entry bracelets and $1,195 in U.S. Currency. 

At the completion of their investigation, it was determined that the homeowners and adult son were in fact the party responsible for this event. Fourteen suspects were cited as being spectators at an illegal animal fight, five were additionally charged with resisting arrest.  The homeowners, Victor Espinoza, 46; Ofelia Espinoza, 45 and adult son Victor Espinoza Jr., 22, were charged with cruelty to animals, fighting birds, spectators at an animal fighting location, possession of implements for fighting birds and illegal gambling.   


Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at (559) 733-6218 or send anonymous information by sending a text or email to TCSO@tipnow.com or call (559) 725-4194.