Location: Drum Valley Area

Incident Date: 6/24/17

Incident Time: 0330 hours

Case Number: 17-80039 & 17-80040

Victim: Confidential

City: Drum Valley Area

Posted by: Dispatch

Suspect’s: Unknown suspect’s


On 6-13-17, Tulare County Sheriff’s Detective’s with the TAGNET Unit conducted overflight’s in the Drum Valley area in search of illegal clandestine marijuana grow sites.


During the overflight, Detective’s located two separate clandestine marijuana grow sites in the Drum Valley area.


On 6-24-17, Detectives with the TAGNET Unit conducted an operation to locate and eradicate the illegal marijuana grow sites.


Upon locating the two illegal grow sites, Detectives found numerous chemicals, a large amount of trash and the disruption of the natural waterways in the area. Detectives also located numerous camp sites. However, they were unable to locate any information on the identity of the suspects responsible for the illegal marijuana grow.


During the operation, more than 13,000 marijuana plants were eradicated and destroyed.


The investigation into illegal marijuana grow sites is ongoing and anyone with information is encouraged to call the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at (559) 733-6218 or they can remain anonymous by calling TIPNOW at (559) 725-4194