Location: Sheriff's Headquarters, 833 S. Akers St., Visalia

Incident Date: 11/1/18

Incident Time: 5:30 p.m.

City: Visalia

Posted by: Media Relations

First board meeting held for Sheriff's flag football league

The Sheriff’s USA Flag Football League had its first board meeting Thursday at Headquarters. In attendance were Cpt. John Gonzalez, Lt. Harold Liles, Sgt. Bobby Saldana, deputies, non-sworn Sheriff’s staff, a representative from Visalia Unified and one from Family Services. 

Registration for the league is going well!

So far, 167 boys and girls from Stone Corral, Elbow Creek and Ivanhoe Elementary schools have signed up to play flag football. Sgt. Bobby Saldana said he expects to have 200 students in grades K-7 signed up before practice begins in March. 

This is a free program offered by the Sheriff’s Junior Explorer Youth Development Program, formerly known as the Sheriff’s PAL Program. 

Students may sign up through their schools or call Sgt. Saldana at (559) 687-7021. Games will be on Saturdays at Ivanhoe Elementary School.

To help pay for the league, an NFL/TCSO flag football fundraiser game is planned for Jan. 19, 2019 at the Groppetti Community Stadium on the campus of Golden West High School. Please stay tuned for more information as the date approaches!

The Tulare County Sheriff’s Junior Explorer Youth Development Program (formally PAL) has been established for 23 years as a non-profit chapter of the California Police Activities League. We continually strive to reach out and bring services to the underprivileged and at risk youth throughout our county. Our Junior Explorer Program is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Donations may be made to the Sheriff’s Junior Explorer Program by contacting Sgt. Saldana at (559) 687-7021 or Lt. Harold Liles at (559) 782-6850.