Location: 2700 Block of Highway 43

Incident Date: Between 12/18/17 and 12/19/17

Incident Time: Between 6:00pm and 7:00am

Case Number: 17-15340

City: Allensworth

Posted by: Dispatch

            On 12/19/2017 Deputies from Tulare County Sheriff’s Department responded to an address located in the 27000 block of Highway 43, in Allensworth, regarding a business grand theft.


Upon arrival, deputies determined unknown suspect(s) entered into the gate entrance and took several items from the property including a vehicle. The estimated loss was approximately 1,200 dollars and 200 dollars in damage. The suspect is unknown at this time.


Anyone with more information regarding this investigation is urged to contact the Tulare County Sheriff’s Department via telephone at #1-800-808-0488 or anonymously at tcso@tipnow.com or by text or voicemail at #559-725-4194.