Location: Chelsea's Boutique, Pixley

Incident Date: 8-7-20

Case Number: 20-09817

City: Pixley

Posted by: Media Relations

Have You Seen Him?


Deputies are asking assistance to identify a man who broke into Chelsea’s Boutique on Davis street in Pixley just before midnight on Friday. 

The man who broke in was caught on the store’s surveillance camera. He arrived in a 2020 Silver Toyota Highlander without a front license plate and was seen wearing a black hat, black shirt and shorts. 

The man stole several items from the business.

The case remains under investigation and anyone with information is urged to contact Deputy J. Novelo or Sergeant K.Jones at the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at 1-800-808-0488 or anonymously at tcso@tipnow.com or by text or voicemail at 559-725-4194. Refer case #20-09817