Location: Government Plaza, South Mooney Boulevard

Incident Date: 9/13/16

Incident Time: 1000 hours

City: Visalia

Posted by: Media Relations

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

If you see something suspicious, report it. 

This morning, someone anonymously reported seeing a man with a gun get on a transit bus. 

The bus was tracked to Government Plaza. Tulare County Sheriff’s Deputies and Visalia Police Officers responded immediately to the scene and the building was placed on lockdown as a precaution.

Deputies and officers conducted a safety check inside and outside the building.

The person suspected of having a gun was located at the bus stop and was detained. He was later released because he didn’t have a firearm. He was carrying an air soft gun. 

We would like to thank the public for its due diligence in reporting this suspicious activity. The lockdown lasted about 30 minutes.

To report crimes or suspicious activities, contact the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at (559) 733-6218.

With our TipNow Program, you can text it anonymously using an app on a smart phone. Text or leave a voice message at (559) 725-4194 or send an email to tcso@tipnow.com. The information you report cannot be traced back to you.