Location: Pacific Crest Trail

Incident Date: 5/29/16

Incident Time: 0145 hours

Case Number: 16-06842

City: Pacific Crest Trail

Posted by: Dispatch

At approximately 0145 hours on Sunday, May 29, 2016, the Tulare County Sheriff’s Emergency Services Division received a call from the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center regarding an activation of a personal locator beacon. 


The activation came from a 17-year-old male from Allen, Texas, who had been dropped off at Kennedy Meadows on a 1-month solo backpack trip to Oregon on the Pacific Crest Trail.


The Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team was activated and the victim was soon located by California Highway Patrol Helicopter H-40 in Death Creek Canyon at approximately 0730 hours. He was flown by helicopter to Kaweah Delta Medical Center in Visalia where he was treated for respiratory complications and reunited with his family.