Location: Headquarters
Incident Date: 6/8/17
Incident Time: 0830 hours
City: Visalia
Posted by: Media Relations
You are invited to attend a promotion ceremony at 8:30 a.m. Thursday when Sheriff Mike Boudreaux will promote David Winters to the rank of Lieutenant.
Who: Sheriff Mike Boudreaux
What: Promotion Ceremony
When: 8:30 a.m. Thursday, June 8, 2017
Where: Headquarters, 2404 W. Burrel Ave., Visalia
Info: (559) 636-4695
Sheriff Boudreaux offers his sincere congratulations to Lt. Winters and wishes him well in his new assignment at the Men’s Correctional Facility. The public is welcome to join the department, friends and family in the lobby at the Sheriff’s Headquarters at 8:30 a.m., Thursday, to celebrate Lt. Winter’s promotion.
Refreshments will follow.
Lieutenant David Winters began his career with the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office in July of 1989. He grew up in the City of Visalia and prior to being hired as a Deputy Sheriff, David served in the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office Explorers program from the age of 16 to 18 years old. He was enrolled in the 64th class of the Tulare/Kings Police Academy.
David is married to his wife of seven years, Debbie, and is the father of three children: Matthew, Samantha and Caitlyn.
As a Deputy, David was first assigned to the Tulare County Main Jail and served there for five years until his promotion to Sergeant in January of 1994. As a Sergeant, David was assigned to the Tulare County Correctional Center where he was tasked with assisting in the setup of the Sheriff’s Work Alternative Program to alleviate overcrowding of the Bob Wiley Detention Facility and Main Jail. David was later transferred to the Bob Wiley Detention Facility where he worked in various positions.
Upon obtaining the position of Administrative Sergeant, he was tasked to assist in the major retrofit of the Bob Wiley Detention Facility to meet state compliance regulations.
Upon completion, David was eventually transferred back to the Tulare County Correctional Center where he worked on the creation of the Day Reporting Center. After completion, David was eventually transferred back to the Bob Wiley Detention Facility to resume his duties as Administrative Sergeant and assist in the daily operations of the facility under the command of his Lieutenant.
In April of 2009, David was transferred to the Tulare County Superior Courts. He oversaw the duties of several Deputies assigned to various courts, oversaw the protection of Tulare County Judicial officers, assisted other agencies on criminal matters and provided services for other County and State agencies throughout the county of Tulare.
In August of 2016, David was transferred to the Personnel and Training Unit under the command of Lt. Chris Galvez. During this time, he was responsible for the reorganization of the unit, revamping training protocols, implementing new training courses, addressing the update for equipment for Department staff and researching new training techniques to meet state compliance guidelines.
During his tenure within the Detentions Division David was a founding member and is a Senior Instructor for the Tulare/Kings Correctional Adult Core Academy. He has served as an instructor for 15 years teaching various topics from officer safety techniques to Case law.
During his career, David served on the executive board of the Tulare County Deputy Sheriff’s Association for 20 years, retiring out as Vice President. He has also served on the Executive Board of the Peace Officers Research Association of California for six years, serving and representing the needs of 65,000 law enforcement officers in the State of California.
David currently sits on the Citizens Advisory Board for the City of Visalia assisting in recommendations of City businesses to the City Council and representing the voices of residents of Visalia. He also sits on the board for the Visalia non-profit grant program.
David attends Calvary Chapel of Visalia and is active in various ministries within his church.