Location: 14500 Block Imperial Rd, Poplar Ca 93257
Incident Date: 12/27/2015
Incident Time: 0030
Case Number: 15-15823
Victim: Confidential
Posted by: Media Relations
Narrative: On 12-27-15 at 0030 hours deputies were dispatched to the 14500 block of Imperial Road in Poplar. The single family single story dwelling had evidence of a shooting at an occupied dwelling. The residence and a nearby vehicle had evidence of an attempted arson. There were no injuries reported.
Anyone with more information regarding this investigation is urged to contact the Tulare County Sheriffs Department via telephone at #1-800-808-0488 or anonymously at tcso@tipnow.com or by text or voicemail at #559-725-4194.
This case is currently under investigation by the Tulare County Sheriffs Department.