Location: 24800 Block of Avenue 80, Terra Bella
Incident Date: 04-09-17
Incident Time: 1800 hours
Case Number: 17-04261
City: Terra Bella
Posted by: Dispatch
On April 9, 2017, Tulare County Sheriff’s Agricultural Crime Detectives were contacted by Tulare County Fire Prevention Investigators in regards to a suspicious fire involving approximately 15 plastic orange bins that had been staged for future harvesting on Avenue 80, east of Road 248. Sheriff’s Office Ag Crime Detectives arrived on scene and assisted Tulare County Fire Investigators in processing the scene for evidence.
The estimated value of the loss is approximately $750. This case is still under investigation.
Anyone with information related to this case may contact Detective Nicholson (559) 735-1898 or (800) 808-0488. Anonymous information about this crime can be reported via Tipnow, email: tcso@tipnow.net or download the Tipnow app for android or apple phones (559) 725-4194.
Submitted by: Det. J. Nicholson