Location: Area of 152/Road 176, Poplar

Incident Date: 1/24/17-1/26/17

Case Number: 17-01810

Victim: RJ Silva Farms

City: Poplar

Posted by: Media Relations

On Thursday, 01-26-2017 at approximately 1205 hours, Deputies responded to the area of Avenue 152 and Road 176 regarding a felony theft/vandalism report which occurred between 01/24/2017-01/26/2017.  

The reporting party advised suspect(s) entered the property and gained access to several of the tractor trailers on the property. The suspect(s) removed several batteries (10), a radiator and a tractor weight. Estimated total loss is $1,445. The suspect(s) caused approximately $4,000 in damage to the tractors while they removed the batteries. 

This case is currently under investigation by the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office.