Location: Various Business locations in Southern Tulare County
Incident Date: 6/12/17
Case Number: 17-07054 and 17-07063
City: Southern Tulare County
Posted by: Dispatch
The Tulare County Sheriff’s Office has received reports and is currently investigating incidents regarding credit/debit card skimming machines found at local businesses in southern Tulare County. The devices have been removed since being reported and the Sheriff’s Office asks the public to please be aware of these skimming machine schemes. Here are some recommended steps the public can take to help protect themselves from these types of schemes.
1) Try to use the same the ATMs with which you're familiar. You may recognize a subtle difference in detail if a fraudulent overlay has been placed on your usual ATM.
2) Try to use indoor ATMs rather than outdoor ones.
3) Keep an eye on where your card goes if you hand it to a gas station attendant or employee of another business, at least as well as you can. Watch for suspicious activity.
4) When you pay with a credit or debit card at the gas pump, make sure the piece of tape from the Department of Weights and Measures is intact on the pump before you insert your card.
Many gas station attendants hold customers' cards until after a transaction to ensure they don't drive off without paying. Consumers should be observant and careful. That includes checking bank or credit card statements and balances frequently to make sure you don't become a victim.
Shown is a photo of one of the skimmers retrieved from a local south county business.
Anyone with information regarding these types of schemes is encouraged to call the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at (559) 733-6218 or send anonymous information by sending a text or email to TCSO@tipnow.com or call (559) 725-4194.