Location: Ave. 296 & Rd. 158
Incident Date: 6/2/23
Incident Time: 2300
City: Farmersville
Posted by: Media Relations
13-Year-Old Shot in Drive-By Shooting Near Farmersville
Around 11 p.m. on 6/2/23, TCSO Deputies were called to the area of Avenue 296 and Road 158 near Farmersville for a drive-by shooting. When they arrived, Deputies learned the victims were driving west on Avenue 296 when a dark sedan drove by them and shot at their car, hitting a 13-year-old girl inside. The suspect’s car then drove off toward Visalia. The 13-year-old suffered non life-threatening injuries.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office at 559-733-6218.