Location: Sequoia Complex Fire

Incident Date: 9/21/20

Posted by: Media Relations


Here is the latest information regarding the Sequoia Complex Fire:


Mandatory Evacuations Locations:

- Ponderosa

- Pyles Boys Camp

- Redwood Drive

- Alpine Village

- Sequoia Crest

- Doyle Springs

- Mahogany Flat

- Bear Creek Road at Scicon

- Upper Tule River Corridor (Camp Nelson, Pierpoint, Coy Flat, Mountain Aire, and points between)

- Cedar Slope

- Silver City

- Mineral King

- Above Cinnamon Canyon, including Cahoon Mountain and adjacent roads


Voluntary Evacuation Warning Locations:

      - Three Rivers

      - Balch Park Road from Highway 190 to Yokohl Valley Road

      - Balch Park Road below Blue Ridge Road

      - Bear Creek Road below Scicon

      - South Fork Drive below Cinnamon Canyon Road'

      - Cinnamon Canyon Road


Road Closures:

       - Highway 190 at Rio Vista Drive

       - Balch Park and Blue Ridge Road

       - Bear Creek Road at Scicon

       - Mountain 50 and 107

       - Mountain 99 and Sherman Pass

       - Sherman Pass and Cherry

      - Sequoia National Forest/Park Closure

      - Highway 190 at Rio Vista

      - Hwy 198 to the Giant Forest

      - South Fork Drive at Conley Bridge

      - Mineral King Road at Oak Grove Drive

      - Cinnamon Canyon Road and South Fork Road



North County: Woodlake Lions Club Rodeo Grounds, 19400 Ave. 398, Woodlake

South County: Porterville Fairgrounds, 2400 Teapot Dome Ave., Porterville

Domestic Animals: Tulare County Animal Shelter at 14131 Avenue 256, Visalia (Call Cassandra Heffington, at 559-679-6222)

Evacuation Locations:

Porterville College Football Field, 100 E College Ave, Porterville

Exeter Memorial Bldg. 324 N. Kaweah, Exeter


For displaced persons: Call 2-1-1 or 1-800-Red-Cross

For displaced persons with RV/Trailers: Call 2-1-1


When a fire evacuee needs essential supplies like water, food, clothing and gift cards they can do so by emailing fire@unitedwaytc.org, calling 211 or by filling out the following form: https://bit.ly/3muj4Gb

( https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3muj4Gb%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR10SsryZduqb_wESmWsuP6MwLtjO1LJrOGogZQwnnaEFoL8rDcjQkabCxY&h=AT3HoJ0tmDMHAdZJhXX-BhI65lxFJM8ApmTfLTI546JHQrYIMN84gZGXUgmB6YNcD_ec2J6WstG8lnstM43ZuTgoB7YP2rdntrGltpEUTZa59zQt1RqPgo0gvli70vLKSA&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2UiEc5OmR6OnlAzp5Fv6Rccd3h7sWtX59Qd5VrLHNfUXS9odlfL2LcvL9ihFGM2IcnHhdoxfR-5cnp_nO34RHAs6aoRMOc6skzpbX4xk5xcLj_ZVZdLKTWRrHj5WqEBoe0JcNJ6tyiJn2WCNKFrsM8_VsU1B-06u275-RbS0qGmrxkv2iDC4lcOqvM)  Salvation Army and Parenting Network will receive these referrals. Also, fire evacuees may call the Salvation Army at 559-687-2520.

To donate MONEY: www.friendsoftularecounty.org, www.unitedwaytc.org, www.redcross.org

To donate GIFT CARDS: Donations of gift cards can be done by emailing  donatefiretc@unitedwaytc.org or financial donations by texting Firetc to 41444

To donate GOODS:  Individuals wanting to donate items such as bottled water, non-perishable, easy to eat, microwavable food, and hygiene products can drop off at the following locations:


  • Tulare Salvation Army, 314 E. San Joaquin Ave. (contact number: 559-687-2520)
    • Monday and Tuesday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (closed 12:30-1:30 p.m.)
    • Wednesday, 2-5:00 p.m.


  • Visalia Salvation Army, 1501 W. Main St. (contact number: 559-687-2520)
    • Thursday and Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (closed 12:30-1:30 p.m.)
    • Wednesday, 8:00 a.m.-noon


  • Parenting Network, 770 N. Main St., Porterville (contact number: 559-793-2527)
    • Monday through Friday, 8:00 am -4:30 pm)


Animal Services Fillable Form: If you have had to evacuate your property, as a result of the SQF Complex Fire, and had to leave animals behind, please fill out this form and Tulare County Animal Services will contact you between the hours of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM to coordinate care for your animals. If it is not safe to return to your address, Animal Services will try and shelter in place for the animals and you will be kept on their list to follow up as soon as it is safe to do so. https://tcanimalservices.org/animalservices/resources/animal-evacuation-form/


Shelter Structure Damage Fillable Form: Emergency personnel are currently only able to drive the areas affected by the fire that can safely be accessed on the roadway – this is called a windshield assessment. During a Windshield Assessment, personnel are gathering a rough estimate of homes that may have been destroyed or damaged by the fire, or still intact. The personnel do not leave the roadway and do not go down driveways or roads that may have trees or power lines down across the roadway.  When it is safe personnel designated to the Damage Assessment Team will begin surveying the are and reporting on the structures within the affected area. Fill out the form with all needed data to be notified in the future of updates on your address. https://forms.gle/iG4uejTRfEcHb47a7