The Exeter Police Department is dedicated to the fair and impartial enforcement of laws and ordinances to protect human life, property, and to maintain the public peace. In accomplishing our mission of protection and service, the members of this agency will respect Constitutional rights, human dignity and community values.
We commit ourselves to the enhancement of police-community partnerships, and will assist the members of our community with the identification and resolution of problems, in the effort to improve the quality of life in our community.
We will give the highest quality of law enforcement services possible, while continuously striving for the highest professional standards.
Our approach is one of a Community Oriented Government; it is developing a working partnership between City Elected Officials, City Department Staff, School District Personnel, Business Community Members, and our Residents. We encourage each resident to be part of this cooperative effort. This can be accomplished in the simplest form of being a good neighbor and staying informed about your community. It takes involvement from everyone in our community to ensure that we create a safer community to live, work, and play in.
The City of Visalia Police Department has been established to preserve the public peace, prevent crime, detect & arrest violators of the law, protect life & property, & enforce criminal laws of the State of California & Ordinances of the City of Visalia.
The Woodlake Police Department is a professional organization that prides itself in delivering quality service to our citizens. We are committed to promoting a safe and secure environment for our community by building lasting partnerships with the citizens for shared responsibility in identifying crime related problems and addressing them. Our officers care about the community and strive to maintain safe and secure neighborhoods while treating everyone fairly, with dignity, and respect. We believe that community involvement and community support is truly what makes the Woodlake Police Department successful. The Woodlake Police Department presently consists of a Chief, one Lieutenant, two Sergeants, one detective, nine officers, one community Service Officer, and two clerical/dispatch personnel. We also have a full time employee dedicated to animal control enforcement.