Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder

Boats and Aircraft

Boats and airplanes are taxable personal property and subject to annual appraisal. Their value is determined by reviewing the purchase price and sales of comparable vessels or aircraft. Both are assessed by the counties where they are habitually situated.

Information on boat and aircraft location and ownership is obtained from sources such as the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Federal Aviation Administration, the U.S. Coast Guard, referrals from other counties, and on-site inspections.

Certain boats, such as those used exclusively for commercial fishing, research, or as party boats, may qualify for partial tax exemptions. While boat owners pay registration fees to the Department of Motor Vehicles, personal property taxes are paid to the county where the boat is habitually moored or located.

Boat taxes are assessed on the unsecured tax roll, and tax bills are mailed at the end of June. Payment is due by August 31 of the same year.