Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder


A property tax exemption reduces or eliminates a property's taxable value, lowering the amount of property taxes owed. Exemptions are typically offered to specific groups, such as homeowners, veterans, or non-profit organizations, and may be partial or full, depending on eligibility criteria set by local or state governments.

Homeowner's Exemption

If you own and occupy your home as your principal residence, you may be eligible for an exemption of up to $7,000 off the property's assessed value, resulting in a property tax savings of approximately $70 annually.

Disabled Veterans' Exemption

The Disabled Veterans' Exemption reduces the property tax liability on the principal place of residence of qualified veterans who, due to a service-connected injury or disease, have been rated 100% disabled or are being compensated at the 100% rate due to unemployability.

Church Exemption

Churches exclusively conducting religious worship are eligible for an exemption on buildings and land on which the improvements are constructed, including parking lots and equipment, whether owned or leased, as of January 1 (lien date).

Non-Profit Exemption

The welfare exemption is only available for real and personal property owned and used exclusively by non-profit organizations formed for religious, scientific, hospital or charitable purposes.