Notice of Determination (NOD) and Notice of Exemption (NOE)
To file a CEQA notice, such as a Notice of Determination or Notice of Exemption, we require the original document with an original signature. Please make sure the document clearly lists the following:
Lead agency labeled as such with address and phone number
Applicant labeled as such with address and phone number
Project title
Signature and date of agency approving the project (must be original)
For Notices of Determination, the fee required by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, as indicated under Environmental Fees, must be included in the check or money order payment. If a Fish and Wildlife fee was previously paid, the Notice of Determination should be accompanied by a receipt of the transaction. It must be attached to the original document and all copies.
At this time, the Clerk-Recorder's Office does not have the ability to receive CEQA filings electronically. Please submit each filing in person or by U.S. mail.
Public Postings
There is no fee for public postings such as Notice of Preparation, Notice of Completion, Notice of Public Hearing, Notice of Availability or Notice of Intent. Simply email them to our office at
At this time, the Clerk-Recorder’s office does not have the ability to receive CEQA filings electronically. You must submit each filing in person or through the mail.
Yes, an original signature on the filing is required.
No, the Clerk-Recorder does not provide any templates for CEQA filings.
Pursuant to Fish and Game Code §711.4 (e)(1), each environmental document submitted will include the name of each applicant and lead agency, the document filing number, the project name as approved by the lead agency, and the filing date.
As long as all filing requirements are met, the filing is completed and posting occurs within one business day from the time of receipt.
It is the responsibility of the filing agency to retain the original receipt when the fees were paid, and a copy of the receipt must be submitted with any subsequent filings. The project name and State Clearinghouse Number (if applicable) must match the original receipt and the new filing for the fee to be waived. The Clerk filing fee is applicable on each filing, regardless of whether fees have been paid previously.
CEQA Document |
Fish & Wildlife fee |
Total including $58.00 filing fee |
Notice of Exemption (NOE) |
$0.00 |
$58.00 |
Negative Declaration (ND) |
$2,968.75 |
$3,026.75 |
Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) |
$2,968.75 |
$3,026.75 |
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) |
$4,123.50 |
$4,181.50 |
Environmental Document pursuant to a Certified Regulatory Program (CRP)** |
$1,401.75 |
$1,459.75 |
**Including, but not limited to, the Forest Practice Rules and timber harvest plans, and other state agency regulatory programs (PRC §21080.5).