Anyone regularly conducting business for profit in California under a name different from their legal business name must file a Fictitious Business Name Statement within 40 days of starting operations.
For a business owned by an individual, a fictitious business name is any name that does not include the owner's last name (surname) or that implies additional owners (e.g., "Company," "and Company," "and Sons," "Associates," etc.).
Visit the County Clerk's Office after taking the following steps:
1. Save time by completing the online application before you arrive. Your application stays active for two weeks, so please visit our office and pay the fees within that period to avoid reapplying.
2. Visit our office at 221 S. Mooney Blvd., Rm. 105, Visalia
3. If you would like copies, bring payment in the form of a credit card, check, money order or cash. Checks should be payable to Tulare County Assessor/Clerk-Recorder.