Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder

Reassessment of Property Damaged or Destroyed by Misfortune or Calamity
Reassessment of Property Damaged or Destroyed by Misfortune or Calamity

Revenue and Taxation Code §170 provides for the reassessment of property that has been physically damaged or destroyed by misfortune or calamity through no fault of the assessee. Damage to taxable property must equal or exceed $10,000 to qualify for reassessment. To be considered, an application must be submitted to the Assessor’s Office within 12 months of the date the damage occurred.

Recorded Document Cover Page
Recorded Document Cover Page

To be used as a cover page when filing a document with the County Recorder to provide adequate space for recording information (additional recording fee applies).

Recorded Document Request Form By Mail
Recorded Document Request Form By Mail

To be used to request a copy of a document on file with the County Recorder's Office by mail. Instructions are provided on the form.

Registered and Show Horses
Registered and Show Horses

BOE 571-F2

Form for listing all registered and show horses owned as of January 1, regardless of location.

Supplemental to the Business Property Statement (BOE 571-L)

Religious Exemption
Religious Exemption

BOE 267-S

The Religious Exemption may be claimed on property owned by a religious organization and used exclusively for religious purposes. This includes religious worship and school purposes, including preschools, nursery schools, kindergartens, schools of less than collegiate grade, or schools of collegiate grade and less than collegiate grade.

Religious Exemption - Change in Eligibility
Religious Exemption - Change in Eligibility


Once a Religious Exemption is approved, the Assessor's Office annually mails form BOE-267-SNT, Religious Exemption Change in Eligibility or Termination Notice, to property owners who received the exemption in the prior year. This form asks whether the property is still being used for an exempt purpose.

Report of Boarded Race Horses
Report of Boarded Race Horses

BOE 571-J1

A racehorse is any live horse eligible to participate in or produce foals for parimutuel racing in California. This excludes horses over three years old (four for Arabians) that haven't raced or bred for racing in the past two years.

The form is only to be used as an attachment to the original BOE 571-J1 as printed and mailed by the Assessor.

Request for Military Discharge
Request for Military Discharge

Certified Copy of DD214 

Copies of a military discharge record (DD-214) may only be received by authorized persons, including the veteran, the veteran's family, a county office providing veteran benefits, or a United States official. No fee is charged to obtain certified copies of the record.

Request for Value Review
Request for Value Review

Request a review of your property’s current taxable value by submitting a Request for Value Review application to the Assessor's Office.