Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder

Press Releases

June 29, 2023
2023/2024 Assessment Roll tops $47 billion
2023/2024 Assessment Roll

Assessor/Clerk-Recorder Tara K. Freitas, CPA, announced today that the annual assessment roll exceeded $47 billion, a 6.7% increase over last year. The assessment roll reflects the total gross assessed value of locally assessed real, business, and personal property in Tulare County as of January 1, 2023. After the deduction of property tax exemptions for homeowners, disabled veterans, and charitable organizations, the net assessed value is $46 billion.

March 22, 2023
Property Tax Payments Due April 10 May Be Deferred if Property Damaged by Flooding
Property Tax Payments Due April 10 May Be Deferred if Property Damaged by Flooding

Owners of property damaged or destroyed by recent storms or floods may be eligible to defer the second installment of secured property tax payments due on April 10. 

March 15, 2023
Property Tax Relief for Those Affected by Storms
Property Tax Relief for Those Affected by Storms

Winter storms have caused significant damage and, in some cases, devastating losses. We extend our sympathy to those in communities who have suffered losses and want to remind property owners that California law provides tax relief when property is severely damaged by calamities such as floods, fires and earthquakes.

July 21, 2022
2022/2023 Assessment Roll an all-time high at $43.17 billion
2022/2023 Assessment Roll

Tulare County Assessor/Clerk-Recorder Tara K. Freitas, CPA, announced the 2022/2023 property tax roll reached an all-time high of $43.17 billion, which is an increase of $2.8 billion (6.9%) from the previous fiscal year. The assessment roll reports the total value of all real and business property in the county as of January 1, 2022.