Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder

New Construction, Remodeling and Repairs

The Assessor's Office evaluates each construction, remodeling, and repair permit on a case-by-case basis to determine its assessability.

Fact Sheet: Value Changes Due To New Construction

Under Revenue and Taxation Code §70, new construction includes:

  • Any addition to land or improvements, including fixtures

  • Any alteration of land or improvements that constitutes a major rehabilitation or converts the property to a different use

A major rehabilitation of an improvement or fixture occurs upon any rehabilitation, renovation, or modernization that converts the improvement or fixture to the substantial equivalent of a new improvement or fixture.

Examples of assessable new construction

  • Construction of a new building

  • Additions to existing improvements (e.g., increasing square footage)

  • Adding features such as a garage, swimming pool, spa, patio, or deck

  • Rebuilding a structure after demolition down to its foundation and studs

  • Development of rural land into a residential subdivision or extensive site preparation prior to building