Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder

Transfer of Property Tax Base to Replacement Property - Individuals with Disabilities

Did you know property owners with severe and permanent disabilities can transfer their taxable values when they sell their homes and buy or build another house and avoid paying higher property taxes? The Assessor's Office is committed to providing qualifying property owners with all applicable tax savings.

In November 2020, California voters approved Proposition 19, which allows property owners with severe and permanent disabilities to transfer the taxable value of their principal residence to a replacement residence in any California county. This transfer can be made up to three times, provided specific requirements are met.

When properties change ownership, they are typically reassessed to current market value, potentially increasing the taxable value and property taxes owed. Prop. 19 prevents the reassessment of replacement homes to current market value upon a change of ownership, which can significantly increase property taxes compared to those on the original residence. “Taxable value” refers to a property’s base year value plus annual inflationary adjustments, sometimes called the factored base year value.

Revenue and Taxation Code § 69.6 implements the Prop. 19 base year value transfer provisions for disabled persons for transfers that occur on or after April 1, 2021.

For more information about base year value transfers for property owners with disabilities, please refer to the Board of Equalization's info sheets.