Tulare County Seal

Tulare County

Office of the Assessor/Clerk-Recorder

Affidavit of Cotenant Residency
Affidavit of Cotenant Residency

BOE 58-H

The change in ownership exclusion for a transfer of an interest in real property between cotenants that takes effect upon the death of one cotenant applies as long as certain conditions are met

Annual Racehorse Tax Return
Annual Racehorse Tax Return

BOE 571-J

Supplemental to the Business Property Statement (BOE 571-L).


Builder's Claim for New Construction Exclusion from Supplemental Assessment
Builder's Claim for New Construction Exclusion from Supplemental Assessment

Formerly known as "Claim for exclusion from supplemental assessment of new construction"

Claim for Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer Between Parent and Child
Claim for Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer Between Parent and Child

BOE 19-P

The transfer of a principal residence between parent and child may be excluded from reassessment if the fair market value of the family home on the date of transfer is less than the sum of the factored base year value plus $1 million.

Claim for Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer From Grandparent to Grandchild
Claim for Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer From Grandparent to Grandchild

BOE 19-G

The transfer of a principal residence between grandparent and grandchild may be excluded from reassessment if the fair market value of the family home on the date of transfer is less than the sum of the factored base year value plus $1 million.

Claim for Seismic Safety Construction Exclusion
Claim for Seismic Safety Construction Exclusion

BOE 64

Revenue and Taxation Code § 74.5 excludes from assessment that portion of an existing structure that consists of the construction and reconstruction of seismic components.

Disabled Accessibility Construction Exclusion From Assessment
Disabled Accessibility Construction Exclusion From Assessment

BOE 63-A

The construction or modification of a structure for disability access may be excluded from assessment.

Property Statements
Property Statements

Includes links to a list of BOE-approved property statements (e.g., 571-L, 571-F, etc.), supplemental forms and instructions.

Registered and Show Horses
Registered and Show Horses

BOE 571-F2

Supplemental to the Business Property Statement (BOE 571-L).